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Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Also known as the “sunshine vitamin”, Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is produced as a response to sunlight on your skin. It lives within a family of compounds such as vitamin D-1, D-2, and D-3. finding spray tanning near me?

As mentioned before, Vitamin D is produced naturally within the body when it is exposed to direct sunlight. Although, it is also possible to get it through certain foods and supplements that help maintain the right levels of vitamins in your blood.

This wonder vitamin holds many important functions within the body. Arguably the most important of these is its ability to monitor the intake of calcium and phosphate and in maintaining the body’s immune system. A sufficient amount of Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of the skeletal system and as a way to improve resistance to certain diseases.

Here are some of the many benefits of Vitamin D:

Vitamin D Helps Fight Against Diseases

Vitamin D is a necessary element when it comes to the proper function of your immune system. It is critical in promoting an immune response due to its many wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. The activation of immune system defenses relies on Vitamin D to work properly to become the first line of defense against infections and diseases.

Vitamin D also helps in enhancing the functions of immune cells which protect your body against pathogens similar to COVID. The vitamin is so important that having lower levels or a deficiency in Vitamin D is commonly associated with being prone to infections and diseases.

Lower levels of Vitamin D are most commonly associated with an increased risk of developing respiratory diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, and more currently, COVID, as well as other viral and bacterial respiratory functions.

Vitamin D Helps With Depression

Several sources of research have shown that Vitamin D may just play an important role when it comes to the regulation of mood and warding off negative mental effects like depression. One study has found that people with depression who have received vitamin D supplements have gotten noticeable progress in their condition and symptoms.

Another study with people affected by fibromyalgia has shown that vitamin D deficiency was more common in patients that were also experiencing bouts of anxiety and depression.

Vitamin D Helps Shed Weight

Adding vitamin D supplements to your diet and overall lifestyle is a great way to lose weight and prevent harmful heart diseases. Several studies have shown that people with a daily and consistent intake of calcium and vitamin D supplements were more effective with their weight loss than those taking placebo supplements.

The extra calcium and vitamin D in your body can have appetite-suppressing effects. This allows your body to regulate its food intake in the long term, allowing your body to lose and shed the necessary weight. Another study has shown the effects of daily vitamin D supplements on overweight people, reducing and improving their heart disease risk markers.

How We Can Help

At Plush Tan, our goal is to ensure that each customer not only gets the skin they want but also guide the best in regards to their health. Sun tanning outside is a great way to get your natural tan but it also comes with a lot of risks such as over-exposure or heat stroke. 

Luckily, our sunbeds and tanning sessions are built specially and specifically for you. Our team of highly trained technicians is ready to provide you and your body with the best tan you’ve ever had. Visit our branch and take a look at our extensive range of sessions, beauty touch-ups and so much more. We understand how important it is to look your best so you can feel your best.



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10:00 AM – 10:00 PM